Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Don't Let Thoughts Keep You From Financial Success

Frustration is nothing more than a thought, yet it can turn a beautiful day into a miserable experience when you continue to hold it in your mind. Worry is nothing more than a thought, and even so it can hold you captive as surely as a cage made of steel bars.Confidence and determination are just thoughts, too, and when you continue to think them you can achieve incredible things.
Happiness is a thought as well, one that can bring magnificent beauty and fulfillment during those times you choose to hold it in your mind.The next time you are frustrated, worried, angry or annoyed, remember that it's because you have decided to be so. You can just as easily decide to be confident, positively determined, patient, understanding, peaceful and even happy.
If it sounds foolish and unrealistic to think peaceful thoughts of confidence when you're surrounded by turmoil and disorder, ask yourself this question. Would it be better to join in that turmoil with your thoughts, or to rise powerfully and positively above them?Your actions, your success, and the course of your life are directed by your thoughts. And your thoughts are ultimately determined by you.

"Don't let stinkin thinkin, hold you back from success". You were born with greatness in you. Focus on what you have not what you don't have then take action!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Truth About Loan Modification

It is no secret that the rate of foreclosures is on the rise across the nation. This phenomenon is also creating an exploding industry where many are profiting off the lack of education or misleading education of those in need. As a Certified Loss Mitigation Specialist with freedom foreclosure prevention services. I feel it is important to share some insights into an area that is becoming widely popular and misunderstood by many.

I am speaking of “Loan Modification”. The initial intent of this service is to help a homeowner who may not currently be able to afford their monthly payments and or is behind on their mortgage to reduce the amount they are paying monthly, reduce the principle on the entire amount due or a combination of both. The problem is that most loan modifications being done are being done to help the lender NOT the borrower!

In California, an epicenter of the mortgage crisis, only 1.3 percent of loan modifications struck between January and May this year involved a reduction of principal, according to the state’s Department of Corporations. A total of 356 of 21,359 loan modifications in the month that ended May 17 involved a cut in the principal balance.

The key to benefiting from Loan Modification is to remember the ultimate objective. If you can currently make your regular payment, but you can’t catch up with the past-due amount, then you should use loan modification techniques or service providers to negotiate with your lender to fold any past-due amounts, including interest and escrow, into the unpaid principal balance. This new amount will be re-amortized over a new period of time.

If you are unable to make payments you should have a loan modification service negotiate with your lender to extend your loan for a longer period of time, modifying the loan amount to a more affordable level. A Loan Modification will change your existing mortgage note and give you a fresh new start in managing your home. Your account will be brought up to date immediately. In addition the techniques used can be easily learned and implemented yourself if you choose to invest the time and a little money in your education.

There are three likely results from an effective Loan Modification Program. I would make sure that whoever you choose is able to provide each of these outcomes depending upon the situation.
A) A reduction of principal, and interest and elimination of late fees with a lower monthly payment.
B) A reduction of interest, with elimination of late fees.
C) The ability to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure so the property can be sold to someone else and the owners walk away with no liability.
D) The initiation of bankruptcy to forestall the sale of a home at auction.

One additional benefit of loan modification and how you can profit from it is by providing the service to others. I recently ran across a program offered by a consumer advocate who authored a course that teaches you not only how to perform loan modification services for yourself or a family member but how you can do some of or none of the work and get paid for helping others.

The program includes everything you need to start your own successful loan modification business and you can keep all or a portion of the profits generated. Richard Geller has developed a comprehensive method and approach towards loan modification that has the potential to provide you with a lucrative business opportunity if you spend some time and educate yourself. You can get more information on the Loan Modification Program and Richard Geller by visiting http://www.realloanmodification.com/

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Never Ending Success Keys You Should Know

There are many keys to never ending success but the two you are about to discover are vitally important. It really doesn't matter if you are looking for financial success, success in your chosen field or any other type of success these keys will help you.

The first is "simplicity." The key to mastery in anything is simplicity. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. You can increase your understanding of any subject by progressing from the simple to the complex.

Divide any complex issue into simple parts,and master each part and no project will be too difficult. By understanding the simple, you can understand the complex. Solutions are all simple after you have arrived at them. But they are simple only when you know what they are.Nothing is more simple than greatness:for to be simple is to be great.

The second key to success is "patience." Zig Ziglar often shares the incredible, but true, story of the Chinese bamboo tree. The process goes like this: You take a little seed, plant it, water it, and fertilize it for a whole year, and nothing happens. The second year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens. The third year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens. How discouraging this becomes! The fifth year you continue to water and fertilize the seed and then---take note. Sometime during the fifth year, the Chinese bamboo tree sprouts and grows NINETY FEET IN SIX WEEKS!

Life is much akin to the growing process of the Chinese bamboo tree. It is often discouraging. We seemingly do things right, and nothing happens. But for those who do things right and are not discouraged and are persistent things will happen. Finally we begin to receive the rewards."

The details were looked up in the World Book and one skeptic even made a trip to Indonesia to see for himself these fast growing bamboo trees. The guide the skeptic had in Indonesia said you can almost see some of the species of the bamboo tree growing with the naked eyes, they grow so rapidly. The moral of the story is to keep at it, remain patient and you will experience the success you desire!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Billionaires Wealth Creation Secret

Warren Buffet is a name synonymous with wealth creation and prosperity. I have mentioned the fact that this savvy entrepreneur, the second richest person in the world, has invested billions in silver and we should do likewise.

What I have not mentioned before is that the foundation of this gentleman’s wealth has been generated and is consistently generated by using a few time tested principles in investing in stocks. Mr. Buffets approach is truly simplistic and easy to follow. While many investors chase dot com stock, hi tech, medical etc. Buffets strategy is what allows him to generate consistent ongoing profits. Berkshire Hathaway, Mr. Buffets company, recently released a glimpse into his amazing portfolio of winners and if you choose you can capitalize off of his expertise.

The following are the top 10 holdings of Mr. Buffet. Mr. Buffet does not make personal recommendations but, in my opinion, knowing where he puts his own money is much better than taking a recommendation of where he may suggest we place our money. I am sure you will agree that the list below is quite logical and all companies listed have proven track records of consistent profits over the past few decades. You know know one of the secret to a billionaires wealth creation strategy
Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO)
Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC)
American Express (NYSE: AXP)
Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG)
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ)
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Wesco Financial
Moody's (NYSE: MCO)
Anheuser-Busch (NYSE: BUD)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Eliminate Credit Card Debt Without Filing Bankruptcy

Ready to pull your hair out in frustration over a never ending sea of credit card debt? Well you are not alone.
A growing problem and thorn in the side of those attempting to create wealth is unsecured debt. The average household in the U.S averages over $8,000.00 in unsecured debt. Until recently the only options a person had when attacking unsecured debt were, debt consolidation, debt settlement and bankruptcy.

Today there is a little known new alternative called “debt elimination”.Thousands have already received the benefits of this unique program that will not only totally eliminate your debts and stop creditors and collection agencies from contacting you but is also 100% legal in all 50 states. With this strategy you will never have to go to court, you will receive additional protection from civil law suits, wage garnishments, levies on your bank account and once enrolled and accepted into the program you can immediately stop paying creditors.

This entire program may sound to you as it did to me, too good to be true. After some investigation I realized that not only is it true and real but it has a number of benefits aside from debt elimination that make it very attractive. This type of service is generally offered by a qualified attorney and in my opinion, would be a viable option for someone who has at least $8000 in unsecured debt. The service I recommend you consider investigating is offered by an attorney that guarantees their program.

What is he actually guaranteeing you ask? That's a good question. I'm glad you asked. He is guaranteeing that once he compiles the proper documentation for you and after he files these documents with the proper Court he guarantees that none of your creditors will be able to garnish your wages, levy your bank accounts or secure any of your assets.He guarantees that you will be in control of all of your assets and nobody can take them away from you. In fact, if somehow the Court rejects the attorneys protectionpaperwork that he will have filed on your behalf you will get 100% of the cost of the program refunded back to you.

The Attorney isn't afraid to guarantee his work because he knows he is an EXPERT in this field and he has never had any of his work rejected by any Court. His work is solid. Everything that is required is done FAST. In 30 days or less. So you'll know very quickly whether you're protected or not. Another byproduct of this unique program is after you are successful in eliminating your unsecured debt you can learn how to improve your credit score to 680 or higher!

Now you may be asking yourself, why don’t other attorney’s know about this option?

The reality is that they don’t teach asset security or debt relief in law school. Not even at Harvard Law School. I have arranged for E.T.W Members to receive a FREE report authored by someone who has actually had over 100,000 of unsecured debt and a FICO score of 540.

This gentleman knows what it means to be in debt and knows what it means to realize the benefits of a unique program of this nature. There is no cost to get the information and he is available by telephone if you have any questions about the program and how you can totally eliminate all of your unsecured debt in 35 days or less. In my opinion this option is the best way to eliminate credit card debt without filing bankruptcy.

There are other services out there that are also viable though most may see them as scams or just too good to be true propositions. One in particular is CMS Court Mediation Services founded by Brad Daley. This is an extremely controversial service and although I have an associate who is a client in the beginning stages it is difficult to determine the long term affects of the technique. What I can say is that I know the service offered by CMS and their affiliates has been marketed for at least two years and I have seen less than 10 complaints in that time period. In my opinion if the company was a flat out scam I would expect to see hundreds along with ftc complaints etc.

With that said I still believe the service offered by Tom Matthews, who I also have associates contracted with, is a very viable option worthy of your consideration. The program is called The Asset Security Program Tom Offers a FREE Report at http://www.deletecreditcarddebt.com/

Not Reaching Your Motivation Goals?

Yet what is easiest is not always what is best. To bring something about requires actions and solid, tangible commitment.
It is easy to criticize the actions of others, particularly in hindsight, or to speculate about what should have been done. But nothing ever has been accomplished by criticism or speculation alone.
Accomplishment comes from those who are willing to put themselves on the line.
Taking the easy way often leads to repeated failures Looking to take the easy path ends up being a disappointment. Make your choices based not on what is easy, but on what is best, and do what you know needs to be done. That's the strategy to take you where you truly would like to be.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How To Create Real Money Wealth

In the midst of an uncertain economy it seems quite prudent to consider the shift away from paper backed investments. There is one unique company that stands out above the crowd with a solution to a growing problem amongst consumers who know they should do something but just don’t know what to do. The company is called ‘Constitution Mining”, Constitution Mining was founded on the basis of natural law, governed by two principles understood by America's Founding Fathers and articulated by leading free market author, Richard Maybury.

Principle 1: Do all that you say you are going to do.
Principle 2: Do not encroach on other persons or their property.
Because these two principles have been ignored, the global economy is in danger of entering into a serious recession, perhaps even a depression, So what does this mean to you?
• Your purchasing power is being destroyed• Your savings are being decimated• Your investments are in jeopardy Almost all money today exists in the form of paper issued by central banks.
They claim to be regulating inflation, but in fact, they are actually creating it. The more dollars they pump into the system, the less each individual dollar is worth.

A violation of Principle 1. This is a highly profitable mechanism through which your wealth is transferred to an elite few - and it can happen fast.

A violation of Principle 2. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve, a privately controlled corporation, has acted as America’s central bank. In that time it has dramatically reduced the worth of the U.S. dollar to approximately 4 cents of its original value.Truth be told, today’s “fiat” money is not backed by the same intrinsic value it once had. Now it only has value because the government says it does – and because people believe it.
This is a belief that more and more people are coming to question, causing many to turn to true honest money … Gold and Silver.Constitution Mining believes that paper – be it stock certificates or dollars - can only have real value if assets of an intrinsic nature back them up. And there are no better assets to anchor value than gold and silver.
The company states their mission “is to consistently increase the amount of honest money underlying our shares by acquiring, exploring for, and holding onto deposits of gold and silver.”Intended acquisitions may be fully defined, have gone through the feasibility stage of development, and be ready to produce. In other cases, there may be potential for additional expansion.
They may even acquire drill-ready exploration projects, which contain little or no proven resources, yet offer the possibility of a major discovery. The company believes that as the market valuation of honest to dishonest money increases, so too should holdings of gold and silver. They believe if their planned acquisitions are in production, they would have little interest in extracting the gold and silver - just to exchange it for depreciating paper currency.
Their intentions are to establish bullion accounts in Zurich, Switzerland, and ship every ounce mined - net of expenses - for safekeeping in their vaults. For more info visit http://www.constitutionmining.com/ make sure you request your FREE Book called “Honest Money”, written by Pat Gorman the link is on the “About Us Page”.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Mutual Fund Alternative

My preference in investing is more geared to non conventional high return vehicles but I am aware that some of my readers may have mutual funds or may be interested in them but may not be aware of the following.
There is a unique alternative to mutual funds that consistently outperform 80-90% of the mutual funds in existence. It is called an “Index Fund”. An index fund works by matching the movement of one stock market index.
Two of the most common are the Dow Jones Industrial Index and the NASDAQ Composite Index. The Dow Jones is made up of 30 of the largest and most established companies and was created over 100 years ago. The NASDAQ is an electronic stock exchange and generally a haven for fast-moving technology stocks. The S&P 500 is another index that is often cited and has available index fund shares.To match the index, each index fund share is made up of a proportional amount of stock from each of the companies within the index it matches. An index fund also differs from mutual funds in that they aren't managed; they blindly follow the index, for better or for worse:
The formula determines which stocks to buy, whereas a mutual fund is actively managed by a money manager who decides how much of each stock to buy. An index fund significantly cuts down on the expenses with no experts to pay, and as an added bonus, an index fund will generally outperform mutual funds over the long haul. The drawback to an index fund, however, is that it is designed to exactly match the index it is based on.
This means that they are not completely safe alternatives to picking stocks. Anytime the market goes down, an index fund will almost certainly follow. Also, since an index fund matches the market, rather than trying to beat it, enormous gains are less likely. For every 80% of mutual funds that do not beat an index fund, there are always 20% that do. And those lucky and smart investors will be reaping the most rewards from a good year in stocks. However, if steady growth over the long haul with less risk is what you desire, an index fund is a hard choice to beat. If you are invested in a Mutual Fund consider contacting the Vanguard Group for information about their Index Funds at 877 662-7447

Learn From Your Mistakes & Succeed

If you could live your life backwards it would be easy to avoid mistakes. You could simply look back on the mistakes, clearly and see them coming, then move in another direction.In the real world, where time only moves forward, avoiding mistakes is not nearly so easy to do.

For the only way to completely avoid mistakes is to completely avoid taking action.But that, of course would be the biggest mistake of all. For although you would never make any mistakes, you would never move forward either, and never get anything done.

In order to accomplish anything, you have to accept the fact that you're going to make mistakes. Of course you would never set out to intentionally make a mistake, and it's wise to take reasonable precautions against them.Have the courage to move forward, to make definite decisions, to take specific actions, even though some will turn out to be mistakes. Remember, each mistake brings you closer to success.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Music Ticket | MMT | Social Network That Pays You To...

The buzz has officially started! If you have not heard about it yet, you will. My Music Ticket aka MMT is based in Silicon Valley and headed by Mr. Derek Hamilton. According to a recent transcript of a leaders call Mr. Hamilton is a [prolific programmer himself but he has also surrounded himself with at least 10 other programmers working around the clock to insure the launch is not only on schedule but also as stress free as possible.

Summary of My Music Ticket and the business opportunity

This Social Network will be in the class of Facebook or My Space but with huge benefits to it's users. This however is destined to be much bigger than either because, unlike the other social media sites, YOU will share in the revenues generated by the company!

The revenue here will be bigger than Facebook or My Space.

You can join FREE or subscribe to one of the options below.
Highest Level-$60/mo,
Second Level-$20/mo

You get your own website at both the $20/mo and $60/mo levels and the difference is in the amount of revenue sharing you can receive back. You can upgrade from FREE to the $20/mo level to $60/mo level later.

Here are some additional notes form a recent leaders call.

1) The site should be live by April 1 or sooner.
2) There are about ten full time employees setting up the website and doing all the IT work. One of them was on loan from Oracle.
3) Derek Hamilton plans to have about 100 employees by end of year and offices in USA as well as Europe and Asia.
4) The programming script is microsoftnet which is much more sophisticated then most social network sites that use php coding. The company will be more of a cutting edge site than either Facebook or Myspace and have many more functions because of this technology
5) The company will be doing original programming for tv and videos which will pay a much higher advertising fee from the advertisers.
6) will also be doing retailing of product for music ,books ,etc and will be in effect like a amazon.com and members will be sharing in this revenue.
7) The company has the capacity right now to have about 3 million members on site each hour. They use Amazon storage space which gives them unlimited storage space on the site. They also have huge server capacity which assures us they will be able to handle any huge spike in growth.
8) The company realizes and embraces the benefits of international business. They will be working with many payment gateways to insure seamless process of enrollments of all members in addition to having capability of making seamless payments to international members.
9) The company anticipates about 500.000 musicians and 100-180 million free members registering in the first 18 months in business.
10) The ultimate goal is to be a universal site which people can empower themselves and others by sharing information and being able to get whatever they need at the my music ticket site since we will have almost every product and service available from every business in the world.
11) MMT has licensed over 250 thousand songs from the three major music organizations.

There are a number of people promoting this opportunity, the most important thing you can do is to position yourself to capitalize off this phenomenal concept. I would hope you decide to join our team but even if you choose some other team to work with get involved. It is time we got a piece of the action.

Join our My Music Ticket Team and get the latest updates

Here is one more summary of benefits for you to review.

1. Get paid to Chat
2. Get paid everytime your site viewed
3.Get paid to listen to music
4. Get paid to send text messages
5. Get paid to send and receive e-mails
6.Get paid to blog
7. Get paid to share MMT with others
8. Get paid to play around your webpage
Join me and lets get paid to network!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

See Things Big But Keep Them Simple

The key to mastery in anything is simplicity. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
You can increase your understanding of any subject by progressing from the simple to the complex.
Divide any complex issue into simple parts,and master each part and no project will be too difficult.
By understanding the simple, you can understand the complex.Solutions are all simple after you have arrived at them.
But they are simple only when you know what they are. Nothing is more simple than greatness: for to be simple is to be great. Keep things simple and start succeeding at the level you believe you should be!

A Case For Gold And Silver NOW

Investment experts have long-recommend portfolio diversification and that 10% to 20% (and sometimes more) of an investor's assets be devoted to tangible assets such as gold, silver and platinum bullion and bullion coins. That's prudent asset diversification strategy at any time. But in today's uncertain political and economic environment, there are many (and very sound) reasons to consider investing in precious metals now.

Here are three:Precious metals have been a solid hedge against a declining U.S. dollarThe value of the U.S. Dollar declined more than 30% from 2001 through 2004, plunging 5% in just a few weeks. For a long list of reasons, including massive increases in U.S. government deficits totaling trillions of dollars, the cost of a prolonged war against terrorism and a massive trade imbalance, this trend may be just the beginning. This means U.S. Dollars could now be worth less and less every day.

Which also means that investments pegged to the U.S. Dollar could be worth less and less every day. Gold, silver and platinum, though, are held and traded throughout the world...and their true value (that is, their purchasing power) is not solely or directly dependent on the falling fortunes of the U.S. Dollar.

Precious metals, therefore, can be a form of protection against a falling U.S. Dollar. As demonstrated during 2003 and 2004, as the value of the U.S. Dollar declined, gold and silver prices and the value of precious metals expressed in dollars increased.
Precious metals have been a proven safe-haven in times of war, political strife and uncertaintyToday's financial markets are increasingly at risk from terrorism, political instability and war.

As we saw so after the 9/11 tragedy, financial markets can be closed down, and remain down, for extended periods of time. As terrorism incidents continue to increase around the world, it is not unreasonable to expect further (and potentially more severe) disruptions in financial markets, banking and commerce in the future. of trouble is gold and silver. Precious metals have always been, and likely will continue to be, a valued form of "wealth insurance" in good times and bad.
Precious metals can offer outstanding price appreciation and profit potential.

After the infamous stock market "bubble" debacle in early 2000 wiped out trillions of dollars of investor equity, the major stock indices have failed to return to anywhere close to their previous highs. Gold and silver prices, on the other hand, have increased dramatically—more than 40%—during that same time period. Which means gold investment opportunities as well as investments in silver can produce impressive investment returns even when (and sometimes, especially when) returns from stock, bond and other paper investments decline in value or evaporate completely.

The Monex Atlas Account, a way to purchase precious metals using up to 5-to-1 investment leverage, can be a powerful short-term trading vehicle during periods of rapidly changing precious metals prices. For more information visit http://www.monex.com/ to learn more about an Atlas Account. Also consider purchasing Gold & Silver Coins to protect yourself from inflation.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Take Notice

When you understand how something works, that understanding enables you to exercise control over how it goes. Take notice of what's going on with your own responses and you put yourself in a position to take full and powerful control of them.

Step back and watch objectively as you get angry, or become hungry for a snack, or are tempted to follow some course that is not in your best interest. Really take notice and you will see that there is a clear and observable separation between your response and the things to which you're responding.

There is no direct, hard-wired connection between what happens to you and what you do about it. That connection is always, at some level, under your control.Realize that nothing automatically makes you angry, or envious, or despairing. These are simply ways that you choose to respond, and they are completely under your control. Watch carefully and you'll see that nothing automatically makes you eat a bowl of ice cream, nothing automatically makes you say something spiteful.

Even when the response has become such a habit that it seems automatic, it is, in reality, still a choice that you can control. Observe yourself as you respond to the ups and downs of life, and you'll see the enormous amount of control you have over the direction your life goes. The more responsible and intentional you become with that control, the more empowered you'll be to go exactly where you want to go. Make it a great day! 3 John II

Why Is Silver A Better Investment Than Gold?

The following is a short article based upon a review written by Jason Hommel of silverstockreport.com I felt it was worth sharing. The historic price ratio of silver to gold shows that about 10 ounces of silver would buy one ounce of gold, a 10:1 ratio. Recently, the ratio is about a 50:1 ratio (with silver at $20/oz., and gold at $1000/oz.) As the silver to gold ratio returns to historic values, from 50:1 to 10:1, you may make over 5 times more money investing in silver, than gold!

Silver prices may rise to exceed the 10:1 ratio, for the following reasons:
More than all of the silver produced by the mines each year is consumed by industry, which leaves little to no room for investment demand. A marginal increase in investment demand will drive prices sky high.

Most silver is produced as a by-product of mining gold, copper, zinc, or lead. Higher silver prices might not substantially increase the amount of silver mined each year. In 1980, when silver prices went up to $50/oz., less silver was mined than in 1979!

Additionally, as paper money continues to falter, people will buy silver and gold without regard to price!

Each year, silver mines produce about 650 million ounces of silver. 200 million ounces come from recycling and about 100 million ounces come from investor or government sales. Of that total:
• about 42% is consumed by industrial use
• about 28% consumed by jewelry
• about 20% consumed by photography
• about 5% consumed in coins and medallions

That's 95% of total available silver each year! This implies either a "surplus", or "investment demand", of about 5% total. At $20/oz., that's only $1 billion per year of net investment demand. Since the 1950's, silver use and consumption, has made silver more rare than gold, in above ground, refined and deliverable forms. Estimates suggest there are 200-300 million ounces of refined, above ground silver available to the market at the present time. There are about 125 million ounces of silver at the NYMEX, the big commodity exchange in New York. The ETF SLV has about 180 million ounces.

Each silver contract at the NYMEX is a promise. There are too many contracts, too many promises to deliver silver that may not exist. Each contract is for 5000 ounces. There are often over 200,000 contracts for 5000 ounces, that's a total of 1000 million ounces of silver promised to be delivered. With recent market trends of defaults and bankruptcies, these contracts are at risk of default. Yet the exchange has only about a third of that in real silver. How can they promise to deliver more silver than exists? If they fail to deliver silver, then confidence in the world's entire financial system may collapse. Industrial users of silver may have to shut down their factories. To prevent this, users will bid silver prices much higher.

Due to the risk of default in silver futures contracts, I suggest that you avoid buying futures contracts, avoid options, and avoid storing your silver with anyone else! Take delivery of your silver, and put your silver in your own safe!

Over 100 years of this "demonetization" has caused a serious drop in silver's value, and this trend is about to be reversed as investors re-learn that silver is a great store of value because of its intrinsic properties.

As paper money continues to waver, the neglect of silver's use as money will end. Once again, silver will be valued based on other measures of value, such as a day's wage, or a ratio to gold.

The 912 Project A Glenn Beck Initiative

The following video is a brief introduction to the 912 project by Glenn Beck.

Everything Is Possible With Training!

The following video proves that what the mind can conceive and believe it truly can achieve. There is greatness within you! You can achieve your goals with consistent training.

Everything is Possible - video powered by Metacafe

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's A Good Time To Change

Where you are in your life today, you made an appointment to be there five years ago.

Where you'll be five years from nowwill be determined by your actions today and in the future.

The first step toward getting somewhereis to decide that you're not going to stay where you are. Analyze your life in terms of your environment.Are the things around you helping you toward your success - or are they holding you back?

You're a product of your environment.So choose an environment that will best develop you toward your goals. Your world today is a living expression of how you're using and have used your mind.It's something you can change at any time.Don't remain a captive of your environment.

Don't say " I would, If I could,"say, "I will."You can make changes anytime.

Why not start today?

Develop A Prosperity Mindset

One of the biggest keys to becoming wealthy is having a mindset that allows you to realize that it is not only possible for you to become wealthy but that it is inevitable! It is difficult to even begin to get on the right track unless you develop a “prosperity mindset”.

A prosperity mindset is the state in which your primary focus is on the elements of wealth creation, physical, financial and spiritual growth. And the ability of having so much abundance you will creatively think about how you will help benefit mankind. The dictionary defines prosperity as a successful flourishing or thriving condition.

It is clear to see that in order to have a prosperity mindset you must strive to keep thoughts of success, happiness, and an overall sense of well being at the forefront of your mind as often as possible.

It is virtually impossible to maintain this mindset without having wealth and health. Many people attempt to separate wealth from health when discussing prosperity but it is impossible to have prosperity without good health.

To begin to create a prosperity mindset you need to first determine for yourself where you are in terms of finances, health and spirituality in comparison to where you would like to be.
Once you figure out where you are and where you want to go you need to develop a picture of what your prosperous life would be like once you achieve it.
What type of house you will live in, what you will do with your time when you no longer have to work for money, what charities you will support etc.

This is called imaging. And it is a very crucial part of attaining and maintaining the prosperity mindset.
Here are a few other keys you can use to get you on the right track towards achieving a prosperity mindset.

1) Realize that you were created to live an abundant life and to be prosperous. This is your divine right and prosperity cannot be withheld from you. Only YOU control your actions, thoughts and reactions to life’s events. 1) Your attitudes and actions towards your goals will determine your ultimate success BUT you can have a prosperity mindset while pursuing your goals!
2) When you eliminate and replace negativity such as the news, violent movies and gossip with the act of reading, listening to and watching spiritual, inspirational and success oriented content you are developing your prosperity mindset.
3) You will never be given an idea that will lead you towards the success you desire if you did not possess the ability to achieve it.
4) When you take a step towards your dreams the universe begins to work to assist you along your path.
5) The more positive things you include in your environment the easier it is for you to maintain a prosperity mindset.
6) Remember that the mind is the connecting link between the formed and unformed world! Focus on abundance, prosperity, success and optimal health and you will attract what you need to achieve your dreams! Start developing your prosperity mindset TODAY!

Cash Is Still King!

Now is the time for entrepreneurs across the U.S to seize opportunity and flood cash into their hands, because CASH IS STILL KING!

You are probably wondering just what this statement really means. Here are the cold hard facts, energy prices are soaring, jobs are being outsourced, the credit industry has been hit hard by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and people are losing their homes at record paces. In the midst of all of this economic turmoil there are thousands quietly accumulating immense fortunes in record time! The key to becoming a part of those on the winning side of the game is recognizing that Cash Is Still King!

Let me explain further, those who have the foresight to realize this fact are moving funds out of long term investments, liquidating to cash and then using that cash to purchase bank owned properties for pennies on the dollar then reselling them quickly or renting them out for ongoing cash flow, purchasing tax lien certificates for short term repayment, purchasing Gold & Silver Coins in an attempt to protect themselves against rising fuel prices and more. In other words, the old adage, “he who has the cash makes the rules” is ringing more true now than any other time in history!

While many are struggling to get approved for a mortgage on a new home others are making cash offers well below the asking price of a property and securing huge amounts of equity. In addition to realizing that cash is still king you must think outside of the box and get creative to put your cash to the best use possible.

Short term investment options are crucial to surviving in today’s economy. Here is a key example, you make a cash offer on an item you can purchase below wholesale value. You then sell that item on Ebay in an auction with a limited time frame to secure a profit of at least 10% more than what you spent. . If you do this in a 7 day time frame you can essentially do this 4 times per month and pocket 40% return on your money!

The key to capitalizing off of this concept is to understand that combining the ability of getting above average returns while maintaining access to your funds in a relatively short time period will give you the best of both worlds and make the effect of inflation minimal. Get creative and make your money work for you!

One option you may want to consider is a method you can use to invest in gold wihout taking delivery of the gold and with the ability of generating a monthly cashflow. This option has it's advantages over a Managed Forex Trading Account it is called a leveraged gold trading system and can be accessed by visiting http://www.managedtradingpro.net/

A Goal Is Attained One Step At A Time!

There is no sudden leap to greatness.

Your success lies in doing something, day by day.
Your upward reach comes from working well and


Good work done little by little becomes great work.

Your house of success will be built brick by brick.

A bottle fills drop by drop. Adopt the pace of nature.

The secret is having patience, focus and persistence.

Should You Keep Buying Silver If The Price Drops?

Great question and despite the naysayers, the silver market still has more potential for growth than Gold and other precious metals.

The following article will give you some insight to ponder if you are considering cashing in your silver coins. What’s so special about silver? The most plentiful and least expensive of the precious metals, silver has been used in jewelry and as hard currency for centuries. From ancient Greece and Rome to the old silver dime in the US, a silver coin has historically been the equivalent of a day’s wages.

For five hundred years until the mid-19th century, it took between 15 and 20 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. Now that ratio is 58:1. With that sort of benchmark in mind, some analysts argue that silver is distinctly undervalued. Silver has some heavyweight fans too. Warren Buffet bought 130 million ounces of real silver in 1997 - as much as he was legally allowed to buy - and has since been joined in the market by George Soros (who owns a large percentage of Apex Silver) and Bill Gates (who is said to own more than 10% of Pan American Silver).

Why invest in silver?

Supply and demand: every year we are using more silver than we mine. Demand has outstripped mined supply for the past decade, with an average annual deficit of 133 million ounces. Silver bulls say that makes investing in silver a no-brainer: if the dollar continues to fall and the financial markets suffer, both silver and gold will rise as investors make the flight into quality. Equally, if the global economy flourishes and China continues to grow, then more silver will be needed, and the price will rise.

How has the price of silver performed?

As well as being known as “poor man’s gold” and “the white metal”, silver is sometimes called “the restless metal”, because of its volatility. It is a small and thinly traded market, and hence prone to dramatic movements. April, 2003 having risen sharply over several months to $8.29 an ounce, it plummeted 32% in a month. At the end of 2004, it slid 17% in seven days from $8 to $6.50, and has since risen back to over $21.00 in March! Over the long-term, though, the trend is up. In my opinion, Eric Roseman the Investment Director of the Sovereign Society, sums the issue up best when he stated

"Don't let temporary corrections and conflicting headlines fool you: The biggest precious metals bull market in history is now underway! Gold, silver, palladium and platinum are all headed towards record highs in the next few years...and there's more than half a dozen ways to profit from the upswing. Before it's over, mark my words, we'll see $2,500 gold...$75 silver...and more.But it's not just about profits - it's about protection. Soon, your paper money may not be worth the cost of the trees it's printed on. Precious metals have always been - and will always be - the last bastion of value storage available to wise investors."

The moral of the story is…Hold On To Those Silver Eagles if you have any!

Is Your Money Worth Less?

The foundation of the following article was written by Mike Brown, owner of changeyourlifecoaching.com I am only posting parts of the article I feel relevant with a few of my own comments.

Here is the truth about money. It is an undeniable truth once you see it. The reason that money has any value at all is because we (the people) all agree that it has value. Money gets its value from us (the people). This is very important for us to understand because many of us (99.95%) are engaging the world with the misconception that money gives us our value, when it is actually the other way around. We (the 99.95%) give money its value through our mutual agreement of its value.

A $100.00 bill gets its value from all people (us) through the mutual agreement that it is worth $100. The value of the $100 bill is not inherent in the bill it self, rather it is ascribed or given to the bill through our mutual agreement that it is worth $100. If, for example, all people today agreed mutually that a $100 bill was not worth $100 dollars, then it would become worthless. Either way its put, the $100 bill does not have value in and of itself.

The $100 bill is an inanimate object that we mutually place value in. It could just as easily be a rock or a stone, which it was at one time I'm sure. I will take it one step further. This will make it perfectly clear.

Imagine that you have 1 billion dollars in cash sitting right in front of you right now and its all yours. Stacks of $1,000 bills all for you just sitting in your house and piled to the ceiling. Makes you feel pretty good when you think about it doesn't it? However, also imagine this.

You and your friends and your loved ones, are the only people on the planet earth. What would that money be worth to you now? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because there would be no other people to exchange it with whom would mutually agree on its value. It would be a pile of useless paper.

You could use it to burn to keep you warm since you would not have the service of heat that is provided by other people.

So, the truth about money is this. People and their agreement upon what its worth gives money its true value. If you pull a $1.00 bill out of your pocket right now and examine it, you will see that it has the words "This note is legal tender for all debts, public, and private" written on it.

This is the agreement that we all honor upon the exchange of any bill.
To remind yourself of this when you exchange money, simply say to the other person or to yourself quietly in your mind, "thank you for honoring our agreement that this piece of paper is worth $1.00." It is not money that makes the world go around.

Money is simply an inanimate object, that symbolizes the mutual agreement that we all share about its made up value. Money does not give people value; it is people that give money its value. The world will continue to go around without the existence of money.

The undeniable truth about money is that the constitution of the United States and the Bible only ever considered two things “Money”. Gold & Silver Coins.

When you look at today’s society and the belief in paper and electronic wealth you can quickly see that NONE of it is real wealth because it does not require any one ever taking possession of real money!

Without REAL MONEY you cannot have REAL wealth!

A Millionaire Retirement Blueprint

If you made a one time deposit of $13,719 at the age of 20, and you earned an annual rate of return of 10% on that money, and you never did another thing with it. By the time you would be 65, you would have $1,000,000.

If you were 20 years old, and invested only 20 dollars a week, each and every week for 45 years, and you got a return of 11% on your money, by the time you were 65, you would have $1,138,975.

If you only invested 20 dollars a week, every week for 45 years and got a return of 15% on your money, you would have at age 65.....$4,287,813.64. You see it's really not difficult to become a millionaire.

You could work at McDonalds at minimum wage and due to time and the compounding effect of money, you can still become a millionaire. But let's say you are already 45 years of age, you can still become a millionaire by the time you reach age 65. Starting with zero dollars, invest 192 a week, each and every week, or $833 a month, every month for the next 20 years, and put it in an account that is earning 15%. When you are 65, you will have earned $1,178,101. 00 Imagine getting paid just 7.5 % per month you would you would be able to accumulate a million dollars and become a millionaire in less than 5 years!

After reviewing countless numbers of Managed Forex Trading Accounts there is one that stands above the crowd. They have a proven track record of more than 7.5% per month and you may want to consider it for your portfolio. Visit www.managedforexaccounts.org

Just Say NO To Doubt!

When you believe you can do it,. then you will make it happen.One of the biggest obstacles to any accomplishment is doubt. Doubt will discourage you, delay you, distract you, and prevent you from taking action.

Once doubt has been established, it can take on a life of its own. , After doubt springs to life it can stop you as surely as anything. Yet one small, positive action will begin to remove the doubt. Doubt is just a thought, & when your experience proves it wrong doubt quickly withers away.

The best way to know you can do it is to start to do it. Forget about the doubts! Take one step forward. Then take another. Soon your doubts will be left in the dust, and you'll be moving toward success.

White Metal Steels The Show!

Most in the precious metals industry are aware that Gold has done pretty well as an investment since 2001. In fact, it gained 143% in six short years. But it still doesn’t hold its shine against silver.
The “white” metal has jumped an outstanding 169% in the same time. If you haven’t considered silver as an investment, consider that it’s beaten Nestle, Exxon, Walgreen and even Microsoft — combined.

Had you invested in silver in 2001, you’d be sitting on a proverbial “gold mine.” Just a $5,000 investment would have yielded you $12,150. But silver’s gains are hardly over…
Right now, silver’s supply is dwindling while its demand is increasing at record rates (China’s silver supply, for example, is depleted). The following are a few options you may want to consider in regards to investing in silver.

Option 1 is investing in silver mining companies, such as Silver Wheaton (AMEX: SLW), Sterling Mining (Nasdaq: SRLM) and Mines Management (AMEX: MGN). According to a leading silver authority, Alex Williams, “Rarely does the value of a commodity and stock move in tandem.

In this case, though, silver’s increased value will bank well for Silver Wheaton. However, even if silver prices are soaring, one bad boardroom decision or a catastrophe such as a flood or explosion in the mine can topple the value of an individual stock. This extra element of uncertainty makes this option too risky for novice investors. “

Option 2 Silver coins are perhaps the version we’re most familiar with, and reasonably so. Coins are available to purchase in small and large quantities, and storage usually doesn’t take more than a safe in your home, if that. Austin Coin Collectors has a nice selection of new and vintage silver dollars made of 99.9% silver. Northwest Territorial Mint has silver coins and bars (up to 1000 ounces). Bags of 90% silver coins (pre 1965) are also available. And some silver coins can be worth more than their meltdown value because of their rarity, grade, quality and popularity. For example, the 1965 Silver Dime is worth upwards of $9,000. Its value isn’t affected by the price of silver. Common collector coins are.

Option 3 Perth Mint Certificates Program (PMCP). In doing so, your silver is stored with a government guarantee at the Perth Mint warehouse in Western Australia. And you’ll get a certificate that shows how much of the metal is being held for you. Your profits here are directly correlated to silver prices, but the mint does charge storage and insurance fees. Visit www.perthmint.com.au for more details.

Option 4 The best choice for silver investing is through an EverBank Metals Select Account, in which you can buy silver (and gold) at just 1% above the market price. In "unallocated" accounts, your purchased metal is pooled with that of other investors like you, which eliminates storage and maintenance costs. "Allocated" accounts allow you to purchase your own silver and gold bars and coins — with a custodial fee.
Both types of accounts can be set up 24/7 online by visiting www.everbank.com

A Dose Of Motivation For You


Success is the sum of small efforts,repeated day in and day out.
Many people take the first step and then stop. Yet, with every additional step you take,you enhance immensely the value of your first step.

All masters of success are chiefly distinguishedby their power of adding a second, a third, and perhaps a forth step in a continuous line.There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession is the rule of life.That which grows fast, withers as rapidly.That which grows slowly, endures.

Is It Possible To Invest Tax Free?

There is a unique investment vehicle increasing in popularity during the economic turmoil in todays climate. It is called a Self Directed IRA LLC with checkbook control. you can use it to purchase real estate and other non-traditional IRA investments such as mortgages and trust deeds, tax liens, business opportunities, Forex and more.

The steps required to set up your own Self Directed IRA LLC are :
1. Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC).
2. Prepare an Operating Agreement that meets the specific requirements for a Self Directed IRA LLC.
3. Open a self directed IRA account with, or existing account to an IRA Custodian that permits self directed investments.
4. Fund transfer your Self Directed IRA account.
5. The Self Directed IRA account then invests in the LLC.
6. Find a suitable investment vehicle.
7. The LLC makes the investment selected.

By using this simple method your Self Directed IRA LLC can invest in real estate and other investments without the red tape and administrative fees normally involved when using your IRA to directly make an investment.

By using the LLC to make the investment, you will have check book control of your investments. When you have an investment you want to purchase all you need to do is to write a check from your LLC to purchase the investment product in the LLC's name. There are no approvals necessary from your custodian. There is no time delay awaiting approval from your custodian.

The most important step and the key ingredient is to have a properly prepared Self Directed IRA LLC Operating Agreement that meets the specific requirements for a Self Directed IRA.In order to benefit from this strategy you need to locate an independent IRA Custodian that permits self-directed IRA investments. For more information on how to set up your own Self Directed IRA Call: 800 936-0872 9am-6pm EST.

Understanding The Economics of The Word Millionaire

In keeping with the Elements To Wealth concept the ideal goal for most people at a bare minimum would be to become a millionaire. What do you think of when you think of a wealthy person? Most people would say, at the very least a wealthy person must be a millionaire. Since most people associate wealth with being a millionaire we can begin with that pretense and work backwords to understand the concept of wealth.

A millionaire is one who's wealth is estimated at a million or more (dollars or pounds) or some unit of currency. The word wealth is actually defined as "A great quantity or store of "money", valuable possessions, property or other riches.

Now we get to the good part. We now need to define "money". Most people have no clue what REAL money is. There are actually two definitions of the word in most dictionaries. The first definition is what is called the 'new' definition. It reads..

"any circulating medium of exchange including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.".

The TRUE definition in older dictionary's is "Gold, Silver or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public authority and issued as a medium of exchange and measure of value."

I encourage you to read that definition again. The only thing EVER considered real money in the bible and the constitution of the United States is Gold & Silver! So the bad news is if you do not own any gold or silver you do not have any money! The good news is that it is not too late to get your hands on some to protect yourself from inflation. I will go into this more in future posts. To truly make the point watch the following video with Robert Kiyosaki and some of his financial advisors for further validation.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What Is Elements To Wealth?

Elements To Wealth has a two fold meaning. First it is the name of the paid membership program I manage and developed over the past few years. The company was originally called Pmelements hence our primary domain name pmelements.com. The original intent was to provide precious metals to consumers along with a referral marketing opportunity. Pmelements was founded in 2003 by Jeff Charlton. I came on board in 2006 first as a distributor then as an MLM Consultant and finally I purchased the company in lSeptember 2006 and changed the name to "Elements To Wealth".

This blog is the next progression of the company, rather than restrict information to paid members I decided to share information with anyone willing to listen to help them along the way towards experiencing the Elements To Wealth at no cost.

The second meaning of Elements To Wealth is the movement and mission towards identifying, understanding, implementing and experiencing the things one would generally associate with being wealthy. The 7 core Elements That Will lead to wealth are:

1) MONEY- Understanding what REAL Money is, how to get it keep it and leverage it.
2) HEALTH- all the money in the world is useless wtihout your health.
3) TIME- A huge advantage the wealthy have is more time to do what they want to do when they want to do it.
4) ASSOCIATIONS- having direct access to professionals for key areas of acquiring, maintaining and growing wealth is crucial to ones attainment and maintainment of wealth.
5) EDUCATION- A truly wealth person never stops learning new ways to grow, preserve and diversify their wealth into other ventures.
6) GIVING- The Greatest Money Making Secret in History is how the act of giving
what you want to receive will provide an effortless flow of exactly what you want to seek you out. Whether it be money, time or knowledge a key to creating perpetual wealth is giving.
be creating valuable content for those attracted to the Elements To Wealth.
7) SPIRITUAL GROWTH- Understanding, study and education about your creator and your eternal destiny are crucial towards wealth creation. Deuteronomy 8:18 makes this
quite clear.

These are the foundational principles of the Elements To Wealth. There are many other areas that have their role. If you are open to learning, sharing and contributing towards the attainment of the Elements To Wealth then I am confident you will enjoy the information on this blog.

Thanks for stopping by.
Owen Brown
3 John II