Ready to pull your hair out in frustration over a never ending sea of credit card debt? Well you are not alone.
A growing problem and thorn in the side of those attempting to create wealth is unsecured debt. The average household in the U.S averages over $8,000.00 in unsecured debt. Until recently the only options a person had when attacking unsecured debt were, debt consolidation, debt settlement and bankruptcy.
Today there is a little known new alternative called “debt elimination”.Thousands have already received the benefits of this unique program that will not only totally eliminate your debts and stop creditors and collection agencies from contacting you but is also 100% legal in all 50 states. With this strategy you will never have to go to court, you will receive additional protection from civil law suits, wage garnishments, levies on your bank account and once enrolled and accepted into the program you can immediately stop paying creditors.
This entire program may sound to you as it did to me, too good to be true. After some investigation I realized that not only is it true and real but it has a number of benefits aside from debt elimination that make it very attractive. This type of service is generally offered by a qualified attorney and in my opinion, would be a viable option for someone who has at least $8000 in unsecured debt. The service I recommend you consider investigating is offered by an attorney that guarantees their program.
What is he actually guaranteeing you ask? That's a good question. I'm glad you asked. He is guaranteeing that once he compiles the proper documentation for you and after he files these documents with the proper Court he guarantees that none of your creditors will be able to garnish your wages, levy your bank accounts or secure any of your assets.He guarantees that you will be in control of all of your assets and nobody can take them away from you. In fact, if somehow the Court rejects the attorneys protectionpaperwork that he will have filed on your behalf you will get 100% of the cost of the program refunded back to you.
The Attorney isn't afraid to guarantee his work because he knows he is an EXPERT in this field and he has never had any of his work rejected by any Court. His work is solid. Everything that is required is done FAST. In 30 days or less. So you'll know very quickly whether you're protected or not. Another byproduct of this unique program is after you are successful in eliminating your unsecured debt you can learn how to improve your credit score to 680 or higher!
Now you may be asking yourself, why don’t other attorney’s know about this option?
The reality is that they don’t teach asset security or debt relief in law school. Not even at Harvard Law School. I have arranged for E.T.W Members to receive a FREE report authored by someone who has actually had over 100,000 of unsecured debt and a FICO score of 540.
This gentleman knows what it means to be in debt and knows what it means to realize the benefits of a unique program of this nature. There is no cost to get the information and he is available by telephone if you have any questions about the program and how you can totally eliminate all of your unsecured debt in 35 days or less. In my opinion this option is the best way to eliminate credit card debt without filing bankruptcy.
Now you may be asking yourself, why don’t other attorney’s know about this option?
The reality is that they don’t teach asset security or debt relief in law school. Not even at Harvard Law School. I have arranged for E.T.W Members to receive a FREE report authored by someone who has actually had over 100,000 of unsecured debt and a FICO score of 540.
This gentleman knows what it means to be in debt and knows what it means to realize the benefits of a unique program of this nature. There is no cost to get the information and he is available by telephone if you have any questions about the program and how you can totally eliminate all of your unsecured debt in 35 days or less. In my opinion this option is the best way to eliminate credit card debt without filing bankruptcy.
There are other services out there that are also viable though most may see them as scams or just too good to be true propositions. One in particular is CMS Court Mediation Services founded by Brad Daley. This is an extremely controversial service and although I have an associate who is a client in the beginning stages it is difficult to determine the long term affects of the technique. What I can say is that I know the service offered by CMS and their affiliates has been marketed for at least two years and I have seen less than 10 complaints in that time period. In my opinion if the company was a flat out scam I would expect to see hundreds along with ftc complaints etc.
With that said I still believe the service offered by Tom Matthews, who I also have associates contracted with, is a very viable option worthy of your consideration. The program is called The Asset Security Program Tom Offers a FREE Report at http://www.deletecreditcarddebt.com/
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