In the midst of an uncertain economy it seems quite prudent to consider the shift away from paper backed investments. There is one unique company that stands out above the crowd with a solution to a growing problem amongst consumers who know they should do something but just don’t know what to do. The company is called ‘Constitution Mining”, Constitution Mining was founded on the basis of natural law, governed by two principles understood by America's Founding Fathers and articulated by leading free market author, Richard Maybury.
Principle 1: Do all that you say you are going to do.
Principle 2: Do not encroach on other persons or their property.
Because these two principles have been ignored, the global economy is in danger of entering into a serious recession, perhaps even a depression, So what does this mean to you?
• Your purchasing power is being destroyed• Your savings are being decimated• Your investments are in jeopardy Almost all money today exists in the form of paper issued by central banks.
They claim to be regulating inflation, but in fact, they are actually creating it. The more dollars they pump into the system, the less each individual dollar is worth.
A violation of Principle 1. This is a highly profitable mechanism through which your wealth is transferred to an elite few - and it can happen fast.
A violation of Principle 2. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve, a privately controlled corporation, has acted as America’s central bank. In that time it has dramatically reduced the worth of the U.S. dollar to approximately 4 cents of its original value.Truth be told, today’s “fiat” money is not backed by the same intrinsic value it once had. Now it only has value because the government says it does – and because people believe it.
This is a belief that more and more people are coming to question, causing many to turn to true honest money … Gold and Silver.Constitution Mining believes that paper – be it stock certificates or dollars - can only have real value if assets of an intrinsic nature back them up. And there are no better assets to anchor value than gold and silver.
The company states their mission “is to consistently increase the amount of honest money underlying our shares by acquiring, exploring for, and holding onto deposits of gold and silver.”Intended acquisitions may be fully defined, have gone through the feasibility stage of development, and be ready to produce. In other cases, there may be potential for additional expansion.
They may even acquire drill-ready exploration projects, which contain little or no proven resources, yet offer the possibility of a major discovery. The company believes that as the market valuation of honest to dishonest money increases, so too should holdings of gold and silver. They believe if their planned acquisitions are in production, they would have little interest in extracting the gold and silver - just to exchange it for depreciating paper currency.
Their intentions are to establish bullion accounts in Zurich, Switzerland, and ship every ounce mined - net of expenses - for safekeeping in their vaults. For more info visit http://www.constitutionmining.com/ make sure you request your FREE Book called “Honest Money”, written by Pat Gorman the link is on the “About Us Page”.
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