What I have not mentioned before is that the foundation of this gentleman’s wealth has been generated and is consistently generated by using a few time tested principles in investing in stocks. Mr. Buffets approach is truly simplistic and easy to follow. While many investors chase dot com stock, hi tech, medical etc. Buffets strategy is what allows him to generate consistent ongoing profits. Berkshire Hathaway, Mr. Buffets company, recently released a glimpse into his amazing portfolio of winners and if you choose you can capitalize off of his expertise.
The following are the top 10 holdings of Mr. Buffet. Mr. Buffet does not make personal recommendations but, in my opinion, knowing where he puts his own money is much better than taking a recommendation of where he may suggest we place our money. I am sure you will agree that the list below is quite logical and all companies listed have proven track records of consistent profits over the past few decades. You know know one of the secret to a billionaires wealth creation strategy
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