This question has been one of huge controversy but actually has a very simple answer. The answer is ANYTIME! Here is why. It does not matter whether you are using EUROS, Dollars or any other fiat currency. When belief in the currency fades, the value of the currency can go to slightly above zero and eventually zero. This can NEVER happen with Gold & Silver Coins!
The silver spot price from Wall Street is the big shots way of trying to keep the truth about real money verses money created out of thin air backed by nothing away from the masses. If people truly understood the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private FOR PROFIT corporation and NOT part of our Federal Government and they create money out of thin air anytime they chooose, there would be a major uprising.
The silver spot price from Wall Street is the big shots way of trying to keep the truth about real money verses money created out of thin air backed by nothing away from the masses. If people truly understood the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private FOR PROFIT corporation and NOT part of our Federal Government and they create money out of thin air anytime they chooose, there would be a major uprising.
According to leading industry experts some of the powers that be who prefer the status quo are doing everything in their power to prevent the masses from having a desire to mass accumulate gold & silver coins. One of the most outspoken on the subject is Jason Hommel you can learn more directly from him at http://silverstockreport.com/2009/buyitnow.html . I also invite you to view a video recorded by Robert Kiyosaki and a few of his financial advisors where Robert, recorded on video, calls cash "trash!" Watch it and prepare to be shocked at what you learn.
The purpose of this post is to simply encourage you to consider the following. In 2001 you could buy a one ounce silver eagle coin for $7.00 and if you took a one ounce silver eagle coin and 7 one dollar bills in 2001 and placed them both under your mattress in 2001 and took them out today, the 7 bills would still be worth 7 dollars but the Silver Coin would be worth more than $14.00 and as much as $20.00 DESPITE the spot price of silver!
The purpose of this post is to simply encourage you to consider the following. In 2001 you could buy a one ounce silver eagle coin for $7.00 and if you took a one ounce silver eagle coin and 7 one dollar bills in 2001 and placed them both under your mattress in 2001 and took them out today, the 7 bills would still be worth 7 dollars but the Silver Coin would be worth more than $14.00 and as much as $20.00 DESPITE the spot price of silver!
The bottom line is you can NEVER pay too much for gold and silver when you are using paper money not backed by anything for real money! Do yourself a favor and head on over to http://www.residualcashnetwork.com/ and grab some silver dollars before the market dries up.
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