Friday, June 26, 2009

Web 3.0 Creates Unlimited Leads At The Push Of A Button

If you are involved with any bizopp online orif you are thinking about getting involved with oneyou need to review the following. This is Web 3.0 technology that eliminates the need to learn all the web 2.0 stuff. This is completely automated and the system automatically generates leads and makes sales for you!This will fast become the safest most legitimate form of passive residual income as well as a phenomenal marketing tool.

If this information would have been provided by an unknown person wtih the same claim I would not have paid it any attention. It has been launched by a well known Internet Marketing Millionaire, Paul Birdsall, which lends a ton of credibility to the project.
The best part is that we are only a few days away from the actual launch so we can get first hand experience on how powerful the program truly is. Streamline Funnel System is destined to become the new paradigm in lead generation. If what we are hearing is true this will virtually eliminate the need to spend countless dollars on seo, pay per click, email marketing etc.

It truly seems it will be a stress free way to grow a huge opt in list and generate consistent sales and residual income with virtually no work. Get the details now at you can position yourself at NOcost.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Making Money In A Recession | A Simple Way To Pocket 5k in 5 Weeks

Day after day it seems reports are surfacing touting the idea that the recession is almost over and things are getting better. I speak to dozens of people on a daily basis and the overall feeling I get is that not only is the economy not getting any better for the little guy on the street but it is actually getting worse.
For years I have been educating people about different opportunites to create active, semi active and passive residual income with minimal effort. What I have come to realize is that not only do people need money fast but they also need it consistently. In all economies there are those that do very well while the majority experiences hardship. I have been blessed to be in the minority despite the economy. I say all this to let you know why I have started a new project to help the masses. the little guy and gal succeed.
The project is called "5k In 5 Weeks" now as unbelievable as it sounds not only is it possible but it is probable IF you follow directions to the letter. What was important to me when considering this concept was that an average person could afford to get involed without a lot of money out of pocket and what they would be required to do would be minimal and not take a lot of time. I also wanted to be sure that I associated myself with an entity that had a proven track record of at least a year, which I did.
Finally, I wanted the ability of allowing a person to be able to succeed spending as little as 30 minutes to an hour per day if they choose. If you are open to the idea of creating some significant cash in a reasonable amount of time with a reasonable amount of work, I invite you to investigate